This Month at BCC: March 2024

Author: Tomos Charles


Happy Tuesday, everyone! March was a bustling month here at BCC as we geared up for the year-end amidst a flurry of tasks. As we bid adieu to the fiscal year, our team at BCC IT was in full throttle, ensuring all bases were covered and projects were delivered with finesse. In this belated monthly blog, we’re excited to share with you the highlights of March and our anticipations for the forthcoming financial year with a revitalized sense of purpose.

The month kicked off with a bang as we received substantial orders for new servers. With the fiscal year’s end looming, it was no surprise that clients were eager to utilize their budgets optimally. We gladly rose to the occasion, leveraging our expertise to provide top-notch IT solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.

Throughout the month, the entire BCC family worked tirelessly, striving to bring ongoing projects to fruition before the fiscal year’s curtain call. Following this intense period, a brief lull ensued—a calm before the storm, as it were. Despite the respite, our workload remained steady, with a slew of tasks awaiting completion before the year drew to a close.

One such task on our agenda was the annual stocktake—an endeavour that required meticulous attention to detail. We commenced with a thorough inventory of our vans, mobilizing our team to meticulously count every item in our inventory. We commenced the stocktake on our fleet of vans with Dylan, Joe, Jeremy and me alongside invaluable assistance from Brennig and Josh, we meticulously combed through our van stock, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

Following the van stocktake, we transitioned seamlessly into the main event: the comprehensive stocktake of our inventory. With the provisioning team diverted to this critical task, we left no stone unturned, scrutinizing every item in our inventory—from substantial assets like PCs and server cabinets to minuscule components like network cable ends and trunking pieces. Despite the daunting nature of the task, our team’s diligence and collaborative spirit prevailed, enabling us to wrap up the annual stocktake on schedule.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to this endeavor, from the understanding of our clients to the unwavering support of our colleagues. Your patience and cooperation were instrumental in facilitating a smooth and timely stocktake process.

As we turn the page on March and set our sights on the new fiscal year, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. The challenges of the past month have only served to fortify our resolve, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunities that lie ahead.

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you in April!

-Tomos and the BCC IT team